Heeeeeeere it is: The brilliant cover for THE KEEPER OF THE KEY. I got the final image back in the fall and it has been killing me to have to sit on it for so long. This cover was done by the amazingly talented Cho-hyun Kim. See more of Kim’s work here: https://www.instagram.com/nong247/?hl=en
When Alexandra at Parliament House and I were talking cover design possibilities and she sent me the link to Kim’s portfolio on Instagram, my dark little heart went pitter-pat. I got to see the design process from the conceptual sketches onward, so I can proudly state that no AI went into this cover.
Also, I have pre-order links! Most of these are for eBooks, but there will be a paperback.
Parliament House: https://parliamenthousepress.store/shop/pre-orders/the-keeper-of-the-key-by-nicole-willson/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQFG8XWZ
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-keeper-of-the-key-2
Also, PLEASE add the book to your Goodreads shelves:
Next stop: November 2024, when you’ll finally get to read the book. I feel like I’ve been living with this story for a long time; I can’t wait for it to be out in the world.